May Survey Assignment, AbroadCare and P90x

Don’t you just love Fridays?

The city of Boston is all smiles this week–spring has officially arrived.

In other good news, I wanted to share my May survey assignment with you all. It’s a doozy.

New Zealand

Cue the Lord of the Rings music. New Zealand, here I come! I’ll be working in Auckland, New Plymouth and Wellington–all cities in the North island, for a few weeks. Hopefully I’ll have enough free time to duck down to the South island, rent a car and explore. Maybe head to Christchurch and visit Colin?

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is one the most diverse–yet least explored–countries on Earth.  I’ll be surveying the capital, Port Moresby, and time allowed plan to do some snorkeling!


My mission: to find out if toilets actually spin the other way. Absolutely thrilled to be in Australia! Will be surveying Sydney and Perth…if you have any recommendations please throw them my way.


In other news, I’m working on a start-up company with my buddy Chris called AbroadCare. Things have been slow so far, but we’re both learning a lot and I look forward to sharing our progress with you more in depth on Tuesday.

In other, other news, have any of you done the P90X workouts? A work colleague gave me the ab workout–11 short exercises, 25 reps each, and I still can’t get through it after a week. Hoping to have a seriously strong core in the next couple of months.

Happy weekend!

[photos by chasquito el roncoso, Alf Gillman, and Kyaw Photography]

7 thoughts on “May Survey Assignment, AbroadCare and P90x”

  1. I love P90X, but it’s a lot of work. The yoga workout alone is over 90 minutes, and it’s not relaxing at all. When I first started P90X, I could barely do 2 or 3 push-ups and you have to do like 20-25 push-ups 15 or 20 different times in one video. After a few weeks, I could keep up with video. Amazing results, but I didn’t see a physical transformation like I was expecting.
    .-= The Jetpacker´s last blog ..20 Songs You Shouldn’t Play On A Road Trip =-.

  2. That’s one hell of an assignment! I’d like to read about all of it, but especially Papua New Guinea.

    And I’m definitely looking forward to hearing more about AbroadCare.

    Once again, I’m left with the same thought…You have the best job in the world.

  3. First of all, yes…P90x is awesome! Love it.

    Second, if you get a chance go check out White Island in New Zealand (North Island) You’ll get some amazing photos, I’m sure. It’s an aquatic volcano…very cool. My husband and I went to NZ this past October/November. Enjoy!
    .-= Kacy´s last blog ..Mark Down Today =-.

  4. The only thing I saw was P90X, so of course I had to respond.
    Within two weeks it put me back in the best shape of my life.
    But each workout was close to 50 min long and I was having trouble finding time during the day.
    Anywho, keep at it, you will be super strong in a few weeks. Hollllllar.

  5. Good luck in New Zealand, I”m sure you’ll love it here! Check out my blog if you’re looking for some New Zealand travel advice. I’ve been here for about four months on a working holiday, and the blog is a bit New Zealand specific at the moment! Happy travels!
    .-= Matt´s last blog ..Interview with Backpackingmatt at Sosauce =-.

  6. Wow the pictures look amazing! I would love to visit New Zealand one day. I’ve done p90x a few times and it is super hard! I still can’t really get used to ab ripper x lol, but it does make your abs a lot stronger. Good luck with it!

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