Location Reading: Calling All Bookworms, Travelers

There’s only so much you can learn from a guidebook.

In an attempt to pull travelers away from their Lonely Planets, to help focus one’s reading of particular cities and countries, I have created a new page on this blog, “Location Reading.”

My list of fiction and non-fiction books is far from complete. That’s where you come in. Please comment below, or better yet, on the Location Reading page, with your favorite travel books and authors.

Eventually I will create a review/ranking system, and I hope to format the list in a more user-friendly way.

Let me know what you think!

[photo credit to Lochaven]

14 thoughts on “Location Reading: Calling All Bookworms, Travelers”

  1. Wouldn’t let me comment below the list but let me add:

    Travels with Charlie- John Steinbeck (USA)
    Under the Tuscan Sun and a Year in the World- Frances Mayes(Italy)
    Down and Out in Paris and London- George Orwell (Paris and well, London)
    The Sun Also Rises -Hemingway (Spain)

    I’m blanking on a million others right now…

  2. Here are a few more books to add to your list
    – Berserk by David Mercy (about sailing to Antarctica)
    – Sand Dance by Camel across Arabia’s great Southern Desert by Bruce Kirkby
    – The Masked Rider by Neil Peart (about cycling in West Africa)
    – No Picnic on Mount Kenya by Felice Benuzzi
    – Catfish and Mandela by Andrew Pham (biking through Vietnam)
    – The Shadow of the Sun, My African Life by Ryszard Kapuscinski – particularly well written book that captures the conundrum of Africa
    -Baghdad without a Map and other misadventures in Arabia by Tony Horowitz (first published in 1992 but still a good read)
    -Malaria Dreams, An African Adventure by Stuart Stevens
    – The White Masai by Corinne Hofmann

    I would be happy to provide some great reads on exploring Canada’s North if you’re interested too.

  3. Hi, I don’t seem to be able to comment on the other page, but would like to suggest Tash Aw’s fiction “The Harmony Silk Factory” about Malaysia. Will come back when I think of something else.. Thanks for this great post!

  4. There is a very comprehensive list at the National Geographic Traveler site that you might want to check out for more titles and authors to add to your list.

  5. Perhaps Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts (great novel – takes place in India).

    Banker to the Poor by Muhammad Yunus (not quite a travel book per se, but about the poor in Bangladesh).

  6. “Travels with Charlie- John Steinbeck (USA)
    Under the Tuscan Sun and a Year in the World- Frances Mayes(Italy)
    Down and Out in Paris and London- George Orwell (Paris and well, London)
    The Sun Also Rises -Hemingway (Spain)”

    I love those books

    1. Hi Patricia,

      Thanks for the heads up. Long story short – I abandoned this project when I migrated domain names 🙁

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