Funemployment, Digital Marketing and Nerve Rush

I had it all planned out.

In late May, I’d write an epic post about my six week trip to Asia, where I went to South Korea (and quasi-North Korea), Russia, Guam and Japan. I’d talk about the food in Seoul, my weekend in Kyoto, the broken, snowy streets of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and an end-of-the-world inspired nudist beach party, sparklers and all.

In mid-June, I’d write about my trip to Portland, Oregon and all the amazing people I met at the World Domination Summit. I’d talk about Nate, who is walking across America; Joel, who is launching an Impossible League and Mark, who is building an online marketplace for parking spaces. It was an engaging and inspiring weekend, unlike any conference I’ve attended. #wds2012 anyone?

In July, I’d write about a one-week cost-of-living survey in Reykjavik, Iceland, where I ate fermented shark, hung out at a geothermal spa and enjoyed nearly 24 hours of continuous sunlight. I’d upload pictures, talk about the people I met and share a few stories. If I was feeling particularly sprightly, I’d even mention a road trip I took through Maine to Acadia National Park.

But no! Despite a rock star summer, it’s been 100+ days since my last update! What happened?

No excuses, folks. My break from the blogosphere was a bit too long, and for that I apologize. Let it be known that I’m back!

I, er, Left my Dream Job (the Most Amazing Job in the World)

After 3 years and 50+ countries, I ended my tenure as an international cost-of-living surveyor. As you might imagine, my travel stamina was beginning to wear thin, the jet lag starting to take its toll. I’ll cherish those years for the rest of my life and only hope I can keep the bar set as high as it’s been. A big shout out to my former employer for such a precious opportunity and set of experiences.

So, what’s next?

Excellent question. I’m currently exploring the realm of funemployment–looking at full-time gigs in the digital marketing/web analytics space and working on a number of side projects in the meantime. I landed my first freelance web consulting gig with a real estate firm, Assured Commercial Mortgage Company. I’m building a few websites, putting together a photography portfolio, selling some things on Craigslist, you know, trying to optimize my days as best as possible. It’s been tough to stay motivated, but I’ve been enjoying the hustle. The Tropical MBA guys would be proud.

Nerve Rush | Gut-Wrenching Adventure

I wanted to highlight one of the projects I’m working on, as it officially launches today. Back in June, Joel Runyon and I started talking about working together in some capacity. We’re both into the extreme sports/adrenaline space and figured that would be a  good place to start.

Fast-forward a couple of months, shared Google Docs, emails and phone calls –> and Nerve Rush was born. We’ve already got a load of content published, with more on the way. Any feedback at this point is highly appreciated, as we’re still working through the kinks and figuring out where to take the site. If anything, this will be a fun side project for us.

Talk soon! Woot woot.

6 thoughts on “Funemployment, Digital Marketing and Nerve Rush”

  1. You quit that amazing job you had? Rock on! Anything is valid when pursuing your freedom. Best of luck with Nerve Rush. Already browsed through it and it’s got great potential.

  2. It does sound like you left a fantastic job, but I can certainly appreciate how all that travel could wear thin. So how did you find the cost of living in Iceland? Pretty awful I bet. It was the most expensive place I’ve ever traveled but that was before their financial meltdown. Has it gotten any better now?

  3. Great article and lifestyle dude, wish I had nerves of steal like you guys. I can never understand why would someone jump off a good solid bridge or on top of a roof…:)

  4. Greetings Alan,

    Congratulations on taking the leap to your next stage of life. Does this mean you are looking for a little more stability rather than travelling all the time?

    NerveRush is a cool idea. I’d imagine that you could market sporting equipment, adventure tours, etc.

    Good luck with your endeavours!

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